The Loyalty Club for Smart London Retailers
We understand that times are tough for independent retailers, as the multiples continue to grow and become more powerful. That is why we have developed a retail club, specifically for our most loyal retail customers. We want to support independent stores in and around London, in a market that is becoming dominated by the multiples. By doing so, we hope to play a part in preserving the unique local characteristics of towns, areas and villages in the UK, and re-instate the virtue of the cornershop as a social corner-stone of every area.
Currently, Imperial’s retail club offers a selection of about 40 licensed and impulse-buy products every three weeks. We also provide free of charge in-store point-of-sale materials for these products, such as shelf talkers and posters, as well as leaflets personalised to each retailer’s store. These materials will help support retailers to compete in the marketplace.
If you are a customer and would like to join The Imperial Cash and Carry Retail Club, please contact us using the form on the side of the page, or come to discuss it in depot any time between Monday and Friday.
If you are a supplier and would like to promote your product in The Imperial Cash and Carry retail club, either use the form above to get in touch with Doug at reception, or contact the relevant buyer.